Saturday, December 11, 2010

Do People Prefer Coke Over Pepsi?

by Ruben Gorado

The Coke vs. Pepsi debate has gone on for decades, and there are millions of people on both sides of the debate, swearing by their preferred soda brand.

In order to try to figure this out for ourselves, we had a glance at some recent surveys and blind taste tests between some of the more popular Coke and Pepsi products. Let's see what these revealed.

This is based on a collection of surveys as opposed to just one, so while there's no scientific method behind my findings, you can still take these with a grain of salt. At the end of the day, it all comes down to your personal opinion anyway.

Coke vs. Pepsi. This is the big one, as each main cola is the top seller for the respective brand. Maybe it's their marketing budget, their history, or their worldwide appeal, but the taste of Coke wins out marginally over Pepsi. Some find Pepsi to taste too sweet.

In the diet soda realm, the rivalry is nearly just as big as those conscious about their caloric intake. Each calorie free drink strikes to taste like the real thing. When polled, more people preferred the taste of diet Pepsi to the taste of diet Coke.

Sprite vs. Sierra Mist. There's 7up on Pepsi's end too, but it looks like Sierra Mist has been pushed harder in recent years. While Sprite enjoys higher sales (probably due to more recognition and a longer track record), people have preferred Sierra Mist in blind taste tests.

The last set of sodas analyzed were the cherry colas. There's Pepsi's Wild Cherry Pepsi and then there's Cherry Coke. The more recognized brand is cherry coke, though a strong contingent of those who've actually tried both preferred Pepsi's drink.

As you can see, this is an issue that divides many, and looks to show no signs of changing.


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